Av. Vereador José Diniz 2270, CEP: 04604-003- Brooklin - São Paulo - SP - Brasil. Tel. +55 (11) 5090-5080/ (11) 9 8437-9824

Due Diligence

In the present world, where on the one hand technology fast develops and, on the other hand, mergers, incorporations, spin-off dictates changes in trade view, regulatory activity requires constant follow-up of national and international legislation, beside the facility, process and product/service adjustment according to the standards required by the applicable laws, rules and technical guidelines.

Proper assessment of the compliance or not to this legal and technical structure is an activity that must be developed by competent and expert professionals, since the lacking of these points may place all operation of your company in a dangerous risk situation or even create a difficult solution crisis.

Latini & Associados staff together with its national and international strategic partners is qualified to perform Due Diligence processes, which has fundamental importance to guide the decision makings, both in the technical field or trading field.


The multidisciplinary character of our staff along with the experience of thousands of approved processes and the expertise of our national and international partners, enable Latini Group to provide consulting services in the several activities fields subject to Surveillance Regime.

Both technical report about legislation, guidelines and rules, and internal processes of each company or even in orientation on risks and crises management, always under regulatory perspective.

Consult our staff and see how we can help your company on the better understanding of technical concepts, on regulatory risk reduction and on crises management.


The current Health Legislation set forth electromedical equipment manufactures and importers; presenting the private IEC rules in Brazil, to perform the compliance tests with Certifying Bodies and Accredited Testing Laboratories by Inmetro (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality).

Latini Group counts on required experience and, is ready to guide your company in the Certificate achievement, essential for the register of such products.

The work of our staff comprehends the documentation achievement and critical analysis phases, contact with the certifier and process management, and also the achievement of Compliance Certificate.



The Brazilian Health Legislation determines that manufactures, importers and distributors of drugs, food, cosmetics, equipments, consumption products and disposables, within others, besides being service providers, they should follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) established by ANVISA.

Our staff, in partnership with GMP - Management Consultancy, it is ready to assist your company on the fast achievement of Good Manufacturing Practices Certificate, essential for the company to operate according to the Current Health Legislation.

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