Av. Vereador José Diniz 2270, CEP: 04604-003- Brooklin - São Paulo - SP - Brasil. Tel. +55 (11) 5090-5080/ (11) 9 8437-9824

Controlled Substances

The development of Industry activities, in several parts of Economics requires the use increasingly intense of substances that, on the Brazilian market, are under the rigid control of the Army, Federal Police, Civil Police and National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA.

Some legal and technical pre-requirements shall be followed to turn possible the use of those products, preventing the company to fail with the current legislation accomplishment and with all legal consequences that may arise from it.

The technical support provided by Latini & Associados, includes not only physical-functional suitability and establishment licensing, but also release of manufacturing authorization and/or importation of substances required for maintenance of industrial activities as they were intended, with safety and reliability.

Health Licensing

The Latini Group is a company specialized in providing Regulatory Services, with thousands of approved processes.

Founded in 1996, the company has a specialized technical team, allowing the reduction of development processes, with efficiency gains, time, costs and staff allocated to this task.

Working in partnership with the regulatory affairs area of our customers, we studied tailor-made solutions, we monitor the scene and manage regulatory risks inherent to the activity of each company.

Already serve more than 25 companies in different countries, we obtained the approval of thousands of products.

We rely on strategic partnerships in Brazil and abroad, facilitating the access of our clients these global markets. In the globalized world of today it is important to have a strong partner in the Regulatory Area so that no tax barriers can be overcome and conquered markets with the increase of business enterprises.

You can count on a strong partner in Regulatory Affairs. You can count on Latini Group.


The products registration at ANVISA is a complex process that expends company time and money, which sometimes allocates professionals from other departments to perform this kind of work.

Latini & Associados has a large expertise in product registration, with a multidisciplinary staff composed by professionals with comprehensive experience on industry routine, focusing their efforts in order to allow the speeding up requested by the clients on process composition and into the specified standards by ANVISA.

The result is the fast obtainment of definitive registrations, essential to manufacture, importation and marketing of products, allowing that each company produces the essential businesses to its survival.

Why register products with the Latini Group? We are a Consulting company with many years experience; We have thousands of registered process and approval rate higher than 98%.


Latini & Associados develops and follows the whole products registration project with your company:

  • Our work is recognized and used by National and Multinational companies;
  • We operate in all fields of products subject to Health Surveillance rules;

  • Latini & Associados leads the major Brazilian Company Alliance of Regulatory Affairs;

  • Our price and payment method are compatibles with your company;

  • Our client portfolio is composed of small businesses up to multinationals;

  • The work is performed by experienced professionals and with strong know-how on product registration;

  • Our staff registers and follows, in loco, product registration processes at the National Heath Surveillance Agency (Brazil) - ANVISA;

  • Our work experience and methodology result in valuable time and resources savings on the obtainment of your registrations;

  • Greater profitability for your company that can offer to the market, new products in shorter time.

Real Estate Regulation

Latini & Associados is a company specialized in providing services of Regulatory Field, with thousands of approved processes.

Founded in 1996, the company counts on a specialized technical staff allowing time reduction on process formulation, with gains of efficiency, time, cost and designated personal for this job.

Working in association with our clients’ Regulatory Affairs field, we analyze customized solutions, monitor the scenario and manage the regulatory inherent risks of each company activity.

We have already served companies from more than 25 countries; we have obtained the approval of thousands of products. We rely on strategic partnerships in Brazil and abroad, promoting the access of our clients to these global markets.

In contemporary globalized world, it is important to count on a strong partner in Regulatory Field in order overcome the non-tax barriers and, to achieve markets by the increasing of companies' businesses. Count on a strong partner.

Count on Latini & Associados, expert in Regulatory Affairs.

INMETRO/Ministry of labour

The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality INMETRO - Brazil, authority related to Ministry of Industry and Trade, has as responsibility the standardization of technical guidelines and rules, as well as the inspection of its execution by several companies which manufacture, import and/or trade the products subject to INMETRO control, either through legal metrology or scientific metrology.

The same occurs with products subject to MTB ( Ministério do trabalho - Brazilian Ministry of Labor) control, known as personal protective equipments - PPEs; which require being register by MTB before their marketing.

Our team detains the required technical knowledge and experience for fast process operation in these authorities, allowing them to quickly enter in the market, creating businesses to companies.

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